SINCE 1959


The use of visuals in the Education sector has grown significantly in recent years, as educators and educational institutions have begun to realize the power of visual storytelling as a tool for teaching and learning.

One of the most common uses of footage in the education sector is in the creation of educational videos. These videos can be used to convey important information, such as historical events, scientific concepts, or mathematical formulas, in a way that is easy for students to understand. This can be particularly beneficial for students who have difficulty with traditional teaching methods, such as those with learning disabilities or English language learners.

Video can also be used to create interactive and engaging lessons. For example, videos with interactive quizzes and questions can be used to test students' understanding of material, providing them with instant feedback, rather than waiting for the teacher's feedback. Additionally, teachers can make use of educational movies, shows, or documentaries that relate to a specific topic they are teaching in class, giving an engaging and fun way to learn.

In addition to teaching content, it can also be used to teach technical skills. Filmmaking and film production classes, which teach students the technical and creative aspects of filmmaking, are offered at universities and colleges. This can include hands-on instruction on the use of cameras, lighting, sound, and editing software.

Another way footage is used in education is in creating virtual field trips, which allow students to explore places and environments that they might not be able to visit in person, such as historical sites, national parks or even other countries. This can be done through 360-degree videos, simulations and even virtual reality, bringing an immersive and engaging experience for the students.

Finally, video can be used as a tool for professional development for teachers. Teachers can use video footage of themselves teaching to reflect on their own teaching style, and identify areas that need improvement, or to share best practices with other educators.

Overall, the use of cinematic footage in the education sector has grown significantly in recent years as educators and educational institutions have begun to realize the power of visual storytelling as a tool for teaching and learning. From conveying important information and teaching technical skills, to creating interactive and engaging lessons, cinema and video can be used in a variety of ways to enhance the education experience. As technology continues to evolve, we will likely see even more innovative ways that cinema and video are used in the education sector in the future.


  • Up to 15 minutes
  • Over 15 minutes
  • Up to 15 minutes
  • Over 15 minutes
College Level
  • Up to 15 minutes
  • Over 15 minutes
  • Up to 15 minutes
  • Over 15 minutes
Cultural, Ethnic & Women’s Issues
  • Up to 15 minutes
  • Over 15 minutes
  • Up to 15 minutes
  • Over 15 minutes
  • Up to 15 minutes
  • Over 15 minutes
  • Up to 15 minutes
  • Over 15 minutes